The right bike for a book-loving kid
We recently found out about Megan Daly - a celebrated teacher-librarian in Brisbane, Qld, who contacted us with a request to interview Warren Key, the owner and designer of ByK Bikes. Megan found out about ByK Bikes when she was searching for a new bike for her almost-8 year old's birthday and was recommended by one of her students who found out about Warren through their research into tinkerers and inventors. She knew her daughter needed a bigger bike and she said she spent much time researching a bike that would a) last her a few years and b) be a bike she could cope with and develop her confidence on.
So when she found ByK, she knew that it was the bike for her 8 year old, especially because there was the perfect 8 year old's bike with a basket to fit her books - the E-540x3i Retro! But also that she appreciated they were designed by a person with "a passion to solve a problem, someone who takes a risk, works hard and creates a solution." UPDATE: Since Megan first wrote about her experience finding and choosing ByK for her daughters she has written a great blog post about books that feature bikes, and has also published her interview with Warren Key, inventor, tinkerer and designer of ByK Bikes.