Teaching a Nervous Kid to Ride - An E-450 Review

"We specifically chose a ByK kids bike for her because she is such a nervous kid that we wanted something that would be most the stable and give her the most confidence while she learnt to ride it."
This review is all about getting the right design for kids - having a bike that is lower to the ground, has a longer wheelbase and lighter weight meant Hollie could learn to ride with greater ease and confidence. MrsD has 10 great tips on teaching kids how to ride and you can see them all on her blog here: http://www.mrsdplus3.com/parenting-2/a-byk-kids-bike-review-10-tips-for-teaching-a-nervous-child-to-ride/

- E-450 Bike for Girls aged 5 to 8 years old
- MrsDPlus3 Official Review and her top tips on learning to ride: http://www.mrsdplus3.com/parenting-2/a-byk-kids-bike-review-10-tips-for-teaching-a-nervous-child-to-ride/