We hear about it all the time... parents are restricting their kids riding bikes on our roads due to the fear of safety.
In the '70s, 8 out of 10 kids rode to school. Now, its only 2 out of 10.
Cars seem to rule our roads but it doesn't have to be that way. This brilliant advertising campaign in America, that was started by local advocacy group
Bike Pittsburgh, and now has been rolled out nationally in the USA by
People For Bikes. It reminds us that those on bikes might sometimes seem faceless when we are driving beside them, but they are kids, mums, dads, sisters, brothers, nurses, teachers, and so on - all ordinary members of our community.
We need to be reminded of this more and more so that we can encourage our kids to ride more.
The Travel With Care campaign from People for Bikes Campaign is aimed at humanizing people on bikes and encouraging better behavior among drivers and bike riders.
We've written before about
how to encouage your kids to ride to school but more and more, what we need is our community encouraging drivers to respect riders as real people going about their daily lives.
On another note, this TEDxZurich talk about Bicycle Culture by Design by Mikael Colville-Andersen is by a Dad about how cars and bikes do/could/should share our roads around the world. He gives great insights into the culture of cars 'owning' our roads and how the design of our cities and urban areas need to be reconsidered if we are realistic about encouraging people, and kids, to ride on our roads safely.
Visit the People For Bikes website for more info.