How to Remove Training Wheels from a Kids Bike

Many customers will take their new ByK kids bikes home with the training wheels attached.  And whether they have had some use, or they are simply not needed, here are clear instructions, with photos, for how to remove training wheels in 2 easy steps.

What you will need:

15mm spanner 15m-spanner

What you're working with:

In the instructions below, we will refer to the following elements of the training wheels:
  • Washer
  • Outer Nut
  • Training Wheel Arm
  • Square Stabilizer Washer
  • Inner Nut

Step 1

Begin by removing the outer nut. Using a 15mm spanner (closed end preferred), turn the nut in an anti-clockwise direction when looking at the nut from the same side as the nut is on (Dia.1 below) removing-training-wheels-instructions-2

Step 2

  1. Next remove the outer nut, round washer, training wheel and square stabiliser washer. DO NOT loosen or remove inner nut!!
  2. Replace the round washer and outer nut onto the axle.
  3. Tighten firmly in an anti-clockwise direction.
  4. Repeat on opposite side.
If you're kid has learnt to ride on a balance bike, its likely they might not need the training wheels at all, but some kids will want to use training wheels for a small amount of time whilst they feel comfortable and gain confidence with steering and pedalling.  We highly recommend learning without training wheels and pedals as the most efficient, and fun, way to learn balance on a bike.

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