5 Reasons your kids will love the Around the Bay in a Day Family Bike Ride
Around the Bay in a Day is a bike ride like no other in Australia. Participants can choose from a multitude of distances but most importantly there is an awesome family ride that you can take the kids on. Here’s our take on why your kids will love the ride:
ByK Mum and Riding Advocate, Jayne D’Arcy, says:
1. 20km of closed roads.
In 2016, for the first time in Around the Bay’s 24 year history, the entire 20km route will take place on closed roads, so families can enjoy the ride safely without any motor traffic whatsoever to worry about. The 20km route is great for families - a ride of achievable distance for the vast majority of ages and abilities and great also for mums and dads towing trailers or tag-alongs.2. Supporting a Child in Need with The Smith Family.
Joining a ride that is attached to a fundraising event means the kids will help with fundraising leading up to the event - creating a sense of excitement and anticipation of what they are planning on doing. You can make your Around the Day Family Bike Ride a fundraiser event supporting a child in need with The Smith Family. $576 supports a child through a year of primary school education. Why not set a goal for your family to change the lives of another family, by fundraising for the Smith Family? Click here for more information about the Around the Bay Support a Child in Need
3. Sense of achievement and awesome bragging rights!
ByK Mum, Shelley, says after a long ride:“When my son looked at his bike speedometer at the end of a long ride, and realised how far he had pedalled, he grew a foot taller in that moment. He was so proud of himself!”
To say you have ridden 20+ km with your kids at such a young age is a great achievement and challenge, everyone feels good about it.4. Amazing support network with you all the way.
The Bicycle Network’s Around the Bay Family Bike Ride is a fully supported ride, with food and water provided at the rest stops and mechanical assistance on route should you need it. There’s the on-route mechanics as well as a team on the ride called the WARBYs. Their name stands for We Are Right Behind You and they have the tools and expertise to fix most mechanical issues you’d have. They usually have a stash of treats as well, which lift morale and get you rolling again.5. A Medal and a Finish Line Festival!
After your ride, a carnival-like atmosphere will be waiting for you. With your medal proudly hanging around your neck, now's the time for you and your family to celebrate your ride!
“Big organised events often have a lot of excitement involved, like a starting line, a lot of other riders, volunteers cheering them on, rest stops, and so on, which makes it much more interesting than a boring old ride with just your family! When you’re surrounded by all the other riders and the excitement of the day, the distance probably won’t be an issue.”

Join in the fun with 20km of closed roads and kids under 12 ride free!