Balance Bike Buying Guide - Choosing the right size and style balance bike
Made of allow and lightweight parts carefully custom sized for new riders, the ByK balance bike range is a great way to learn the core skills of bike riding, without all the fuss and weight of pedals, and allow young kids to keep up with grown-ups walking speed! This is not a toy made of plastic or wood, but a real bike! Perfect for the transition of playful toddler and pre-schooler to school-age bike riding maturity. We've detailed the many benefits of learning balance skills early in another article but here you will find out how to properly choose the right size balance bike for your child and understand a bit more about the ByK balance bike design. Getting the right fit balance bike means you will get the most time out of it for your child's enjoyment and learning and progression into a 'big kids' bike down the track.
Fiona, Mum to 3 year old William, talks about why she chose a Balance Bike:
Choosing the right Balance Bike - lightweight alloy and real-bike parts.
The E-200L and the next size up, the E-250L, are the ultimate bikes to learn to ride on. With these key design elements, it is easy to see why ByK is the best:- Unique low centre of gravity design
- Safety internal hand brake allowing kids to use both their hands and their feet when stopping and preparing their hand skills for the next level bike
- Predictable handling through the ByK ergonomic geometry design
- Eye level safety flag to alert anyone in their path!
- High quality 'real bike' components
"My 2 year old couldn't fit our previous children's wooden balance bike. But then she got on the ByK and zoomed off. We were surprised at how much lower to the ground the seat was allowing her to start earlier than we thought!"
Along with the longer wheelbase that allows for more knee clearance and more predictable handling, the ByK balance bikes come with an additional free long seat post with seat attached for growing legs. Ensuring your child gets as much time out of it as possible! On a balance bike, a young child will feel safe knowing the ground is close by, and their feet are going to save them if they slow down too much, or ready to stop.Getting the right fit - balance bikes sizing guide
The right size balance bike can be determined by these basic checks:- Sit on the saddle and rest the balls of both feet on the ground.
- Straddle the top bar with a comfortable clearance and with both feet flat on the ground.
- Reach the handlebars with a slight bend in the arms when sitting on the seat. If there are handbrakes, your child should be able to grasp them and apply enough pressure to stop the bike.
Kids Aged 2 - 4 Years - Small to Medium Height:
E-200L Balance Bike in Blue and Pink:

Kids Aged 2.5 - 5 Years - Mid to Tall Height
E-250L Balance Bike in Red, Green or Royal Pink: