Bicycling Australia Reviews the E-450 - "The Best Kids Bike on the Market"
Written by Simon Hayes and tested by Rosella Hayes, this Bicycling Australia magazine review of the Byk E-450 kids bike was conducted not long after ByK had released their first range of bikes. Simon gives a comprehensive review and some great insight into what parents (and specifically, bike-riding parents) would look for when choosing a bike for their kids. Simon gives a 10 / 10 for the ByK bike design, specifically the braking system: "The V-Brakes mean that less force is required to depress the lever and reach can be adjusted as hands grow bigger."
"The braking system is the section where I think Warren is most on a winner... Having both types of brakes on the ByK allows kids to learn to use lever brakes while still keeping the coaster to cover that transition period."
Simon puts the ByK to the test on his daughter, Rosella. "Rosella found pedalling much easier than previous attempts...And because the pedalling was easier she was definitely in more control with steering." Simon notes, "We as adults tend to lean forward into a racing position. Kids don't do this. They like to be upright so they can see what is going on around them. ByK bikes are designed to reflect this school of though, putting the centre of gravity low with the head and hands up high.""The V Shaped handlebars are designed to suit smaller shoulder widths and place the hands in the correct riding position. The results are better control."
"Making cycling enjoyable for children is an investment for the future. Its time the market had a model like the ByK." "The ByK range is a very well thought out trio of bikes. The lower centre of gravity combined with lightweight frame and wheels really do make a difference for a child that is still learning to ride a bike."The best kids bike on the market
Part of our first ever range of bikes, the E-450 is still the most popular bike sold from ByK. Now with 8 models/colours to choose from, including a speed-sensitive x2 geared bike (the E-450x2i) and a rider-controlled x3 geared bike (the E-450x3i), there's a model to suit every kid between the ages of 5 and 8.
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